FOMC Meeting Recap and Important Implications for Investors

The most recent meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) has brought to light several crucial insights for investors relating to the bank’s outlook for the economy and monetary policy. Perhaps the most important of these adjustments is that the Fed has revised its projections to only one rate cut by the end of this year. That is a considerable reduction from the three cuts predicted just three months prior.

The Major Highlights from the FOMC Meeting

Inflation Concerns and Projections:

Inflation was a heavily discussed topic at the meeting. It was announced that the Fed’s current projection for Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) inflation had increased 2.6% from an earlier 2.4%, in line with StoneX Chief Economist Kathryn Rooney Vera’s forecasts. Chair Jerome Powell emphasized the impact of base effects on these projections during the press conference. In particular, he noted that future data may be skewed by the fact that low inflation readings from the previous summer will no longer be included in year-over-year calculations.

Economic Projections:

In reviewing the Summary of Economic Projection’s (SEP) view on economic activity, the group notably left their projections unchanged. With a 2.1% expansion seen in 2024 and 2.0% through 2025 and 2026, it seems the group is left with at least one steady factor in its calibration of monetary policy – which has drawn scrutiny from some considering the significant changes in forecasts and other elements that seem off pace for the group.

Labor Market and Economic Strength:

Powell remains optimistic about the economy being resilient to anticipated setbacks as well as about the strength of the labor market. The Fed’s unemployment rate projection remains steady at 4.0% for the year-end. This suggests the Fed does not anticipate any major deterioration in employment conditions. This stability provides the Fed with a margin to adapt to future rate adjustments without rushing into cuts prematurely.

Market Implications and Strategy

Inflation and Rate Cuts:

Although the CPI and PCE readings may be optimistic, it is clear from Powell's non-committal stance on rate cuts that a data-dependent approach is needed moving forward. The market has adjusted its expectations, now predicting only one rate cut by year-end, with any further adjustments hinging on upcoming economic data.


With the recent projections in mind, investors should be prepared for the potential of volatility in risk assets. The expectation of fewer rate cuts suggests a more measured response to economic data, which would draw some contrast to the course of the capital markets of late and could lead to market fluctuations. As always, staying informed and adaptable is crucial.


Some investors still hope for a rate cut before the November elections and another in December. However, for this to materialize, inflation data must remain benign, and labor market conditions must show considerable weakening. Neither trend has shown strong evidence of establishing itself less than four months out from the closely-watched event.

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